Free Laundry 4 All

By following the instructions below, you acknowedge that I do not endorse criminal activity, theft, or damage to private or public property.

Skip to "To set a jailbroken machine to free" if the machine is already jailbroken.

Materials required:

T10 screwdriver, wirecutters.
Both are easily accessable from homedepot, amazon ect.

THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAUSE A PERMANENT CHANGE, and is considered vandalism. Do not take this lightly. You can face criminal charges for this.

Unscrew the front panel using the T10 screwdriver, then find the wire that is red AND blue. (ex. below) Snip it. Put the front panel back on. The washer/dryer is now jailbroken.

To set a jailbroken machine to free:

1) You can now access the programming options. Press the two leftmost buttons at the same time. The screen will now say RaPd.
2) Press the down button repeatedly till the screen says ProG.
3) Press start once.
4) Press the down button repeatedly till the screen says oPL.
5) Press start once. The screen will say oFF.
6) press down once. The screen will say on.
7) Press start once.
8) Press back 3 times.

The laundry machine screen should now say 30 if it is a washer and 60 if it is a dryer. It is now set to free mode.
When you finish washing your clothes, follow steps 1-5, then do the following.

6) The screen will say on. Press down once. The screen will say oFF.
7) Press start once.
8) Press back 3 times.

The laundry machine is now paid.

Do NOT mess with any other settings. This will flag the machine as broken. Do NOT mess with any machines connected to the internet. Do NOT leave the machine set as free. If you do any of these, the risk factor is increased tenfold. Do NOT connect your phone, laundry card, or any other form of payment to a machine that is set to free. This could notify the company that the machine is jailbroken, and therefore cause security to be raised, prices to be higher, or the laundry machine access to be revoked.

Download this webpage as a plain text file : laundryguide.txt
Download manuals for speedqueen washers and dryers : washingmachine.pdf dryermachine.pdf